Simple Thoughts of Mine

I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

My last post

Finally, the weekend is here. Can't wait to get out of office. I told myself to keep my emotions under control but it is hard. I kept my cool as much as I can since it is just a job. Ranting away in silence openly is one of the only ways to calm myself down. Haha... Sometimes, writing the diary helps too rather than revealing my feelings over here. It doesnt matter if I don't receive comments on my blog. I don't like the idea of my friends knowing I have a blog, knowing that I am unhapppy.This Blog always remind me of some unhappy events which i will never forget. It will simply trigger the bad memories of why this blog ever existed. I never wanted to create a blog like this, no intention to get unwanted attention or to make more friends out of this. It was created to get the attention of my ex who was so obsessed with reading blogs and meeting god knows how many bloggers then...It upset me. The thought of it was unbearable. It doesn't matter if he still read this blog of mine. He is history since 4 years ago. This will be my last post here.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


It was a rough day for me on a Tuesday. It was supposed to be my confirmation day for my job, but I ended up in tears. I am confirmed, of course. However, it wasn't a happy event. I am glad this blog is still 'active' for me to pour my unhappiness over here. Life is not fair, I know and I accepted the unfairness to a certain extent.

Having to work with someone who is full of bullsh*t and full of lies make the working environment unbearable at times. Someone who keeps creating obstacles for me to prevent me from performing my truth worth to the company and at the same time, pretends to be victimised simply disgust me. Disregard the bullsh*t guy, I do enjoy my new place of work. I like most of my colleagues.

Why are there so many parasites around us? I totally despise those who are arrogant and full of craps. Always pretend to know alot but know close to nothing. :( The only comforting thing is that I have a understanding and supporting family and some great friends.

05 Dang Shin Eun.....