A new discovery

Barely a few days ago, I made a new discovery. Not a new invention or a new proof that can win me a nobel prize yada yada yada... I discovered a black -colored spot shaped like a small island possibly bigger than the size of Singapre on the altas map under my big toe nail. If I wasn't trimming my nails, I'd not be spotting it as it was not exactly visible unless at close range of approximately 2 cm between my eyes and the toe. Hmm... seems like I making a full description of my 'discovery'. I told H about it. H felt that I shouldn't be too overly worried, it could be a bruise (but I don't recall kicking my toe against anything, besides it doesn't hurt). Nevertheless, he advised me to consult a doctor to receive a more accurate diagnosis. Ok, so I headed to my company's doctor. Was told that it is a mole underneath my skin. I am dead sure that I didn't see any black spot growing underneath my toe nail during my previous nails trimming. It is highly unlikely to miss seeing the eye-catching spot.
Back to the doctor, she told me it may be cancerous. Told me to monitor for 2 weeks if the mole grow bigger. If it does, I need to go for a minor op to remove it. Even if it is a non-cancerous mole, it'll be better to remove it to be on the safer side. I asked her, "Dr X, what cause the growth of this mole?" She replied," Nothing triggers it, it is just bad luck." Those words hit me hard. So, I am having Lady Bad Luck as my best buddy now. I admit that I was slightly upset, closed to tears when I left the clinic. I needed a shoulder to cry on then but couldn't think of anyone. I wish H will rush down to comfort me but it may be too much to ask of him. Is this how doctor comfort the patients these days? Maybe it was bad luck again that I got to be consulted by her even though there were a few other doctors around. How simple is the op I wondered? Is it going to be painless as claimed by Dr X? Will I be alright? I have yet to break the news to my parents until I see the specialist on this condition, lest they're worried sick and disrupt their daily life. I've been hit with a series of bad luck this year but I know that my parents especially my mum will be the first to comfort me. Blood is always thicker than water.
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