Merry Christmas!
Christmas this year was somehow different. I attended a church service on the 24th Dec 08 in the evening. Never would I expect myself to find myself in a church. I could never wake up early in the morning to go to the church with him. Just once i remembered, on 25th Dec 2005. I remembered his disappointed look when I appeared tired and the lack of zest in attending the service. He didn't even try to force me to change up and go to the church with him. Not wanting to spoil that special day, we went to the church. I could see that he was rather happy then. The feeling I had then n the recent one this year was somewhat different. I seemed to feel more at peace with myself after listening to the pastor citing examples in life in relation to the bible quotes. I felt calmer. To be honest, I always try to avoid the churches invitations from my friends. I didn't try to understand the religion as I wasn't feeling comfortable. I was born embracing Taoism. I enjoy going to the temple. I still do. However, I don't seem to resist going to the church at this current juncture. My friend, K first invited me to her friend's place for a pre-xmas gathering. My heart missed a beat when K told me her friend stayed in the same area as him. Wat are the odds of my friend knowing him? Very slim. I wouldn't dare go near that area. It happened to be one of the houses that I always need to walk past before cutting across to the playground to his place. I felt weird. I know everything is history. Anyways, I like the new frds I made and enjoyed playing "Taboo". A game I first got to know from the movie " Four Christmas". Gonna attend my friend's church this sat again to support her as she is giving her testimony. Looking forward to see K's CG friends too. Am going to get the game "Taboo" and introduce the game to my friends.
Merry X'mas, everyone and have a smashing New Year! I wish everyone good health.
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