2 doctors in 4 days

Finally, I threw up my white towel for defeat. No way I can fight the sick bugs alone. Yes yes, me and my (not mine actually, I refused to accept all risks and ownership pertaining to these evil ones) sick bugs again. I took the cough syrup 4 times in a day instead of 3, thinking that maybe I'd recover faster. If it does show some improvement in my condition, I'd definitely finish the whole bottle. I swear I will! Went to Dr No.1 for consultation on Monday, finished 95% of the medication. No signs of improvement at all and my condition became worse. Throat is still sore. I tend to cough even more especially when I try to hit the sack. Getting to work is not an enjoyable trip for me either. Not sure if the air-conditioned in the bus is the culprit, I'll cough throughout the whole journey till I got off the bus. Thus, robbing me of my precious 40 mins nap. Mere breathing would trigger the cough too. Sad right? As I coughed, I'd try to grasp for some air. Feeling breathlessness now. I've been pushing myself to go to work enduring all forms of discomfort that have been embracing me. Not trying to be a wonderwoman or to impress my manager, just want to get my job done within the deadline. Hmmm... still not drowsy yet, so I shall continue blogging. Medication from Dr No.1 finished and not working well, so I consulted Dr No.2. More medicine for me. Getting 'sick' from taking all the syrup and pills. Is my body rejecting the effect of these drugs? We'll know in another 2 days' time. Consulting Dr no.3 is a likely event on my agenda.
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