Simple Thoughts of Mine

I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Another funny movie

Watched this movie recently. It's called '200 Pounds Beauty'. It made me laughed and I forgot about my work for an hour and a half. Just funny. Loved this song too. The actress is pretty too. My friend likes her and he happened to be a korean too.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What I truly miss most

1. I miss having piping hot dinner waiting for me,i.e. my mum's cooking.
2. I miss chatting with my family sometimes (oops, maybe more than just sometimes) especially my parents. And I know deep down in my heart, my mum miss talking to me.
3. I miss catching my 7pm soap operas. I will be grinning from ear to ear if I can catch my rerun 12am drama.
4. I miss catching up with my good old friends. I wonder if they still remember me.
5. I miss visiting the gym (miss it for a week already).
6. I miss not having to think about work just for one weekend.
7. I miss my godson Ryan and his mum; my good friend S.
8. I miss my granny. I wish she will appear in my dreams soon if I get to leave my office soon.
9. I miss my bed.
10. I miss baking.
11. I miss ZZzzz... monster.
12. I miss .......

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Are you sure? I am not sure myself.

How long does one take to grow a liking to someone? Thru' one meeting? Two? or Three? Some took years. A distant acquaintance, X whom I met and lost contact appeared in my life again. We met up again 6 months later through a common friend. He asked for my number after our second group outing. Exchanging numbers does not imply that the other party is keen in you. We just wanna widen our circle, that's all. He started to confess that he likes me. OMG! I guess I am not ready for a new relationship just as yet. I barely have the time for my beauty sleep, let alone dating. I am afraid that I will get hurt again and I resent that feeling. I'm not forsaking the magic of love. I'm not holding any torch for anyone either. I do admit I felt elated when a guy is attracted to me but I do have my quality control check. What if I miss the last boat? I shall leave everything to fate. I would love to fall in love again. I really do.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Taking a breather

Taking a breather while still suffering from an annoying cough. Seated firmly on a rather 'comfortable' chair with stacks of papers waiting for me to perform some audit tests on. My team members have left but I am not alone in my office. Playing soothing love numbers on my laptop. Suddenly I felt depressed. I wanted to head to my comfy bed and sleep on it but I just couldn't. Pressure built up. Hair in a mess but I DON'T CARE!! How do I feel about my job at this very minute? Sucks real bad. Yes, it sucks...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Love and Hate Affair

I love my job and I hate it too. I love the work I am doing. I love auditing my client's work. I love the flexibility of the job. I love communicating with people from all walks of life. I love meeting new people. I hate the long hours that comes with this job. I hate it when I need to cancel my dates. I hate it when I have to lose my beauty sleep and I have to spend a bomb to retain my last remaining bit of 'youth' left in me. I hate to work on weekends when all my friends are having fun going to the movies and shopping.

I love chocolates and I hate them too. I love the sweetness they gave me when they melt in my mouth. I hate it when these sweet contents turn into fat molecules and stay in my body. And I hate it when I need to exercise loads just to get rid of these fatty elements glued to all parts of my body. I hate it when having an overdose of chocolates would mean that I may risk not able to fit into my dresses nicely. And that really sucks coz I don't fit in them well now!!

Remedy: Plan a nice holiday out of the country after my peak period. Go for more spinning classes and avoid snacking in the middle of the night. Sleep early if possible.

Friday, April 06, 2007

So what even if I am one ailing cat?

I am sick. I took my cough syrup. The medication seems to be taking its effect very slowly. Longing for the long weekend and I ended up being sick. At least this gives me the reason to recuperate at home. However, I still need to return to the office to finish some unfinished business.Still glad that I need not report for work on a Good Friday. That gave me an option to choose which timeslot to head back to work. There's no way I can rest in peace.

I think I am feeling alittle feverish. Sigh... Whatever happens, I need to recover soon before Monday starts. Taking medication leave is a no-no during peak period. No one can cover my work for me. So what even if I am one ailing cat?

05 Dang Shin Eun.....