Lunch was good but...
I had lunch today at one of my favourite cafes. Ordered a plate of mee goreng and requested for extra spicy because I love spicy food. I'm a food lover and I enjoys good food. But today, the noodles tasted 'bland'. The dish was good but I couldn't seem to enjoy it. Have I worked too hard or am I just being inefficient? I'm always racing against time. I need time off. I wish. Not possible. Got to wait till May or June before I can take a breather.

I want to get out of Singapore after my peak period is over. London should be good or the States, so that I can lay my hands on Coach bags and my favourite Prescriptives which has discontinued in Singapore. Yet, at the time I wish to use the money I save to get myself a nice pressie for my birthday in August. I need a good rest on Friday. No more clubbing this weekend for me. If I turned my mobile off, the chances of me getting out of the house for drinks will be lower. Sounds bad, ya? =)
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