Zha Jiang Mian

I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.
Planned to cook curry chicken or chicken curry using the usual curry paste brand I use every time but it was out of stock. Trying to be more flexible, I decided to use a different brand of curry paste for my dish. I was so afraid that my curry wouldn't turn out well but I was so wrong! It did taste a little bland for a start but after I added some salt and sugar, it tasted just like typical chicken curry/curry chicken. Most importantly, I saved almost half the amount for the curry paste I bought (S$2.42) compared to the slightly more expensive one (S$4.59) I used in the past. I believe that I've inherited my mum's money-saving genes.
Stayed in my bedroom the whole day(almost). Saturday. Sunday. Watched tv in my room. Watched tv in the living room with my family. Put a temporary halt to my baking sessions last weekend. Wanted to go to the gym for a workout but my legs wouldn't move an inch. Felt lethargic and went to a deep afternoon sleep. Saturday. Sunday. OMG! Is this me? I hope this is just a temporary undesirable behaviour.
Life's not that bad, really. Having my training takes me away from those engagements temporarily. Am appreciating these stress-free moments now. This is the only time where you have no outstanding matters to follow up to and that you can make plans with your friends for a movie, dinner or coffee. Oh boy, how I love those moments! If only I can take one or 2 days break after every engagement, it'll be splendid. If only...
05 Dang Shin Eun..... |