Simple Thoughts of Mine

I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Losing interest

I skipped lunch again. No breakfast for me either. If I do remember to eat, I may take my dinner but very likely I may skip my dinner too. The pleasure of eating seems to fade away gradually. I used to enjoy fine dining and great food like laksa with more ‘si hum’, fried kway teow, lor mee etc but these days I find eating is a sure waste of time and snacking is an undesirable act which I used to practice religiously. I looked inside my fridge the other day and found the following items:

(i) Freezer- 2 boxes of ice-creams;
(ii) Non-freezer sections- 3 big boxes of Thornton’s chocolates (50% already being consumed I think), 3 boxes of Belgium chocolates, and a few Kit-Kat look-alike chocolates bars, a box of Champagne Chocolates from Royce;
(iii) Apples and oranges (not really considered as snacks in my context).

It is shocking I know. Chocolates seem to take up quite abit of storage space in my family fridge. I love chocolates, I really do. So is my family. However, I am not a regular patron to my fridge now. It is water that I can’t live without. Just a mouthful or two of food will fill me up the whole day and simply to knock out the dizzy monster if I encounter any sometimes.


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