Took the last paper of my course. Made some silly mistakes. I froze when the invigilator said 'stop writing!' I really stopped writing because the invigilator was already standing right beside me since I was sitting last at the back of the row. I seldom leave questions unanswered but this time round, I left 3 qns blank. Now I truly understand how the examinees felt when they couldn't continue writing while the rest could still scribble their final answers as the 'paper collector' made his/her way to collect each piece of these hateful exam scripts. It won't kill to give just 10 complimentary secs to me. Just 10 secs is all I need. Sigh... It is my last and I want it to be the last, so that I can advance to the next stage of my career. Plus, I want to devote all my annual leave to overseas travelling. Oh well, I'll know when the results are published next month. Sigh.......
Headed down to town to unwind for the day since I'll be robbed of this basic luxury once I return back to work the next day. Felt hungry and got a box of octopus-filled tako pachi. Never had this for a long long long long long time. Had mineral water to quench my thirst and it tasted nectar to me. Too thirsty I supposed.*winkz*
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