'Dougal, over here!' This is how I decipher the spelling of its name from the manner his doting masters; D and M called for him. My fate with Dougal began in Rye, a town out of London. A beautiful and serene place with lavender growing everywhere. When I met Dougal for the first time, he started to jump on me soon after I was being introduced to him. It seemed like 'love at first sight' for him or maybe for us. Initially, I was slightly overwhelmed by its behaviour. So, my first reaction was 'Argghhh!!!' Not certain if I'd frightened both the poor dog and its masters, D or M (can't remember who) started to pull him away. I felt guilty at that juncture. Didn't mean to misbehave myself. Dougal is a very intelligent mammal, he tried to sit at the sofa opposite the ones sat by me and kept looking over. After I felt comfortable with my guests and Dougal, I gestured the latter to come over to my side. Before I could wink, Dougal had already ran over to my side and sat itself comfortably between H and myself. The next thing that happened was Dougal lying comfortably on my lap. Everyone in the room was pleasantly surprised especially its masters with how Dougal seemed to like me a great deal. D told me that it was his first time to see Dougal getting cozy with a female guest in such a short span of time even though his pet dog does prefer female guests. D and M were pretty hilarious. They joked about how they were glad that Dugle has found a new home and they were willing to let Dougal follow me back to Singapore because they knew that he'd be in safe hands. D even showed me a book on how to take care of dogs. I couldn't stop laughing. Never had I seen such a pair of funny hosts. I miss Dougal very much and his masters. I wonder if Dougal is thinking of me right now.
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