Simple Thoughts of Mine

I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.

Monday, July 21, 2008

7 up

A couple of weeks ago, I went clubbing with a group of friends. Usually, we would play number-guessing game using hands, for e.g 5, 10, 15, all or nothing, where the loser will drink a sip of the drink if the winner guess the number correctly. That faithful evening, my friend, HD suggested '7 up'. My first thought was, ' 7-up? The drink?' Nah, not at all. What everyone will do is to start count from 1,2,3,4...6...and when the next number is 7, instead of saying 7, the person has to say 'Up' and going back in reverse direction and call for 8,9,10,11,12,13,UP, 15,16,'Up',18,19... One has to say 'Up' when his/her number has a 7 or is in multiple of 7. It gets really fun and exciting because you've to be good in maths. The loser will start to count again and he/she can choose to start from any number. But be extra caution when you start with 68,69... the lucky person who is going to 'Up' from 70, has to keep 'Upping' non stop with the other challenger till you hit 80. Only then you will be safe. Remember, after every 'Up', you have to reverse in direction and continue calling out the numbers. Have fun! =)


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