The Web
I am nothing special; just a common woman with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.
Paid a visit to my grandma. I've always been trying to contain my emotions whenever I was in the same room as her. I don't know what got over me, tears started streaming down my cheeks after my grandma's maid said that my granny was 'sayang me' when she grabbed my hand tightly. She was sleeping soundly as usual. Even if she is awake, she won't be able to correspond with me. I wish I had someone to run to and sob as loudly as I could but I got no one, only myself. Took me a while to calm myself down. Waited for grandma to finish her milk fed through a feeding tube before I made my way back home. I thought I was already calmed down but the moment I stepped out of the lift, I broke down again. My face was drenched with tears as I tried to make my way out of the carpark to the main road to hail a cab.
Could it be the haze or have I fallen prey to the sick bugs? I've been coughing all day at my client's place. I tried to suppress myself from coughing while talking to my client but I just couldn't contain my cough for more than 2 mins or maybe a min. My throat hurts too each time I swallow my saliva. Getting sick during my engagement is never a happy affair. Went to the doctor's to get medication.
Throat's itchy and slightly painful, feeling feverish and weak all over. My newly sprained ankle which I thought has healed started to hurt again. I can't be sick at all. My peak period is around the corner. Taking sick leave is a no no for me as I don't want to affect my performance and efficiency. Gonna drink more water and get ample rest and maybe an apple a day keeps the sick bugs away.
Visited The British Museum during my recent trip to London. Took lotsa photos. I'm very impressed by the humongous collection of ancient items maintained by this museum. My heart skipped a beat when I saw displays of mummies for the first time right before my eyes. Impressive collection in an impressive place.
I hate diabetes! I hate stroke! I hate heart attack! I hate these illnesses. One by one, my loved ones taken away by these horrendous sick devils. I hate myself for not spending enough time with them when they were still breathing the same air as me. I hate what diabetes and stroke have done to my granny ('ma ma'). She is fading further and further away from us as each day passes. Everyone will die one day, I will too. I try to be strong and remind myself constantly that I must not break down in front of my 'ma ma' even though she no longer responds effectively with anyone. 'Be prepared' is what I hear often whenever we discuss about my granny's condition. Tears welled in my eyes each time I hear this. I don't want to start sobbing in front of my parents, it is not easy for them too. Memories of my granny especially the moments spent with her when I was in primary school appear vividly in my mind. She'd try to tie up my long black tresses in different hairstyles from Monday to Friday. She'd wait for us after school to bring us home from school. She used to prepare really good vegetarian meal and very good black coffee while she was still very able and fit. I can't bear to continue further ...
Slept at 6.30am, woke up at 10am. Laid awake with a tinge of sadness. Was it the red wine which created an after-effect? Search me... Maybe it's my granny. Maybe it's him.
Attended a relative's wedding dinner which ended around 11pm but I was not willing to head back just as yet. I decided to head to Borders which has became my favourite haunt. I didn't construe why I felt the urge to get another book even though I had just purchased one the day before. Sadly, I've not started on the new title and I found another good title to read...It was almost 12am when I made payment at the cashier. Still longing to loiter in town for a while more, I made my way to Marriot Hotel to grab a seat at the lounge. Surprisingly, it was not crowded and I found myself a good seat. Ordered a glass of red wine ( Kendall Jackson Sauvignon Merlot, California) and commenced reading on my new book. Not an expert of red wine but the one I ordered was quite good I think. It is considered premium red wine on the menu. So I read and sipped my red wine slowly while enjoying the still of the night as my companion. Suddenly, I realised that reading was something I used to enjoy very much ( I still do) but I didn't get down to do it for a long while. I felt relaxed and calm for once. Reading releases endorphins in me too, not just chocolates. No interruptions, no disturbance, no sms, no phone rings ( who would call me after 12am?)... I had a great time but I knew I'd to go home at some point as I promised my parents that I'd be back by 3am. I decided to halt my reading at 3am and catch a cab back. Met a nice cab driver who chatted with me throughout the whole journey. We discussed sensitive issues which would not be mentioned here. It was an interesting evening for me, indeed.
05 Dang Shin Eun..... |